Dear Community Members & Partners
It is with a mix of pride and deep reflection that we share the news of Recovery Cafe Orting Valley is closing its doors. This decision follows the unforeseen ripple effect caused by the actions of one individual, which ultimately impacted our ability to continue our mission. While this marks the end of our organization’s journey, we remain incredibly proud of the meaningful work we’ve accomplished together and the countless lives we’ve touched.
We believe that the power of our mission and the strength of our community far surpass any single event. The positive impact we’ve created will live on in the people we’ve served, the partnerships we’ve built, and the hope we’ve inspired.
The relationships and connections built here are a testament to the resilience, dedication, and love that define our community. While Recovery Cafe Orting Valley may be closing, the spirit of our mission will continue to ripple outward in positive ways, carried forward by each of you.
We extend our deepest gratitude for your trust, collaboration, and support. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact us at info@recoverycafeorting.org.
Thank you for being part of our story. We are honored to have served alongside you.
With gratitude and hope,
The Board of Directors, Directors
Recovery Cafe Orting Valley