March 2023 E-Newsletter

Recovery Café

Adult Café

This month the Adult Café had amazing and consistent turnouts for groups and activities.

This month we celebrated the women of S.T.E.M., members had a viewing party for the movie “Hidden Figures”, and participated in engaging conversations and activities surrounding it.

Three brilliant African-American women at NASA, serving as the brains behind the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit.

Our Narcan vending machine has been well utilized this month and we are so happy to see the positive engagement from our community.

*Narcan at our location is of no cost and easily accessible, no questions asked!

Recovery Navigator Program

Recovery Navigator Case Managers had an extremely successful day of outreach at the Collaboration for a Cause on March 16th. They made several community and organizational connections as well as multiple client referrals.

Community Health Plan of Washington has partnered with us and will be able to provide bi-monthly onsite support at our location for those who seek assistance with their Medicaid or Medicare enrollment applications or for those who have questions about these plans.

YAYA Program
The youth program has continued their regularly scheduled D&D group with interest increasing. Study hall is each week on Thursdays.

This month there were several informative and interactive discussions around topics such as; regulating emotions, safe sex, and healthy communication.

Trish provided a unique opportunity to learn about the creative process behind the popular table top game D&D by Wizards of the Coast. She exposed attendees to a successful graphic designer's career path and how they can achieve similar success. Our members attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and gain insights into the design industry, thus inspiring and encouraging young individuals to pursue their creative dreams.

Orting Standing Together On Prevention

Orting Standing Together On Prevention partnered with Orting school district to provide a Key Leader Event for Orting’s top leaders to create a sense of community ownership for addressing substance use and mental health issues, which are prevalent in the community. Our goal was to provide a platform for these leaders to learn about the latest research, best practices, and available resources for prevention and treatment. We wish to enable the leaders to network and collaborate with other professionals and organizations in the community, thus fostering partnerships and building coalitions. By bringing together influential and knowledgeable leaders, a Key Leader Event provided a unique opportunity to create a coordinated and collaborative approach to addressing substance use and mental health issues in Orting. We are incredibly grateful for the support of Prairie Ride Coalition and Molina Health Care who sponsored the snacks and refreshments for this event.


April 2023


Big News!